May Market


Hello friends! For those of you who have wrapped up your semester smoothly- you did it!! Enjoy the sunshine and freedom! For those of you who are still swamped by finals- you can do it!! You are so close to closing the books on another semester, just hang in there. 

Today I want to introduce to  a couple people who have been killin' it owning their own businesses here in Bryan-College Station. People who have the courage to launch their own businesses selling things they make, inspire me. I want to recognize their talents and their entrepreneurial spirits while inviting the rest of y'all to join me in supporting them. Thank you for so bravely putting yourself and your talents out there for the rest of us to enjoy- we appreciate you! 

There's nothing like handmade goods or sweet treats made by people just like you right in your own community.  Allow me to introduce you to four businesses who are providing just that. These people inspire me, and I'm sure they will inspire you too.


Owner: Sarah Frey

What she makes: things for the home- pillows, prints, cards, etc.

Sarah Frey. Man am I proud of this girl. Her and her family run this shop as a family effort- which I love. They had a dream to sell the things that they make, and last summer they decided to go for it! They strongly value their faith and hope that the things they make will show God's love to those who receive them. Through using their talents, they have the opportunity to serve others in a really cool way, not to mention their stuff is beautiful.

Sarah will be closing the shop for part of the summer as she works at camp- so today is your last day to order! However check back later this summer!

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Owner: Marissa Martinez

What she sells: Baked goodies

Marissa has been operating Sissy's Sweets out of her home for the last two years. She started Sissy's as an effort to put "a little more celebration and sugar into the world", while saving for her big dream of finishing seminary. How cool is that??

Sissy's delivers delicious and beautiful baked goods (cupcakes, cookies, etc.) straight to your door, doesn't get better than that!! Take a look at her incredible Instagram and drool over the pictures of cookies and cupcakes galore with me. 

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Owner: Andrew Winker and Daniel Moore

What they make: Candles + Mandles

These two guys are hilarious and have made a pretty incredible business selling candles. "While the business started off as a joke, we sold out of our first order in less than 48 hours and realized 2 things: that Dan was an expert candle maker and that we were onto something big. We strive to make fun scents that capture the Aggie Spirit and smell really good at the same time. All of our “Dandles” are hand crafted with a wood wick and made by Aggies in College Station, Texas."

Andrew and Dan are two Aggies who are passionate about making candles and they guarantee they are some of the best "smellers" in the business. Trust me, I have one burining in my room right now!


Owner: Layla Shahhosseini

What she makes: Handmade jewelry

Layla has always loved creating things and has a passion for beautiful jewelry.

"A few of my friends pushed me to start making jewelry to fundraise as they seemed excited about my products, and I was beyond overjoyed to get Gold Clover Co. started. I am beyond blessed that I am able to start my own business with the help of God and friends, and that I can permanently do what I love." 

I love that Layla is pursuing what she loves- making beautiful jewelry while raising money to fund her mission trip to Greece this summer. Join me in supporting her with this dream + mission! Email her @


Thank y'all for reading about these inspiring individuals and their fun companies! If you or anyone you know makes + sells things, fill out this google form to be featured in the next edition. Have a great day!
